'L' is sitting comfortably in front 'A'. The room they inhabit is quiet and the light is soft. 'A' is feeling warm and rested in a way she generally feels distant from. 'L' speaks in a solid, yet dynamic voice, easing 'A' into a heightened present.

L: Look down at your feet and tell me are you looking at male or female feet?
A: Male.
L: Right, get into what you've got on your feet. What've you got on your feet?
A: Shiny black shoes.
L: Right, and look and feel up the rest of your body and tell me what else are you wearing apart from shiny black shoes?
A: Navy uniform.
L: Right, ok, and tell me how old does your body feel?
A: Young.
L: Right, and when you say navy uniform is it whites, or this an officers uniform? What does the uniform look like?
A: Pilots uniform.
L: A pilots uniform, right, ok, so where are you at the moment? Where are you standing?
A: In a big building.
L: Right, are you inside a big building or looking at a big building?
A: Inside.
L: Right, so do you feel you're about to go flying out somewhere or what?
A: Yeah.
L: Ok, so if I was to ask you your name, what's the first name that comes to mind? You might get it you might not, I'm going to lift your arm and it may or may not come to mind. So what, what name comes to mind?
A: Stephen.
L: Right, can I call you Stephen?
A: -
L: So tell me Stephen how old are you? I know you're young.
A: Twenty-five.
L: Twenty-five, right, and you're a pilot is that right?
A: -
L: Tell me Stephen, who do you fly for? What country?
A: America
L: America, yeah, and what year is this Stephen?
A: 1956
L: Ok, so you fly, what, planes for the American navy do you? No? What sort of planes do you fly?
A: For holidays.
L: Oh right, so it's, it's, it's, it's a pilots uniform not a navy pilots uniform?
A: Yes, it's a navy colour.
L: Right, ok, so you fly people to various holiday destinations. do you like your job stephen? o-
A: I love it.
L: Right, ok. so if you were to know why we've been shown this lifetime, what is it we need to see about this lifetime stephen?